Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Our students come from every avenue possible. We have public school students, we have homeschooled students, we have private schooled students, and of course we have students who are completely online in this chaotic season. The one thing all of these students have in common is that they can all come together at First Church and be involved in community that is developing them into better disciples of Christ.

Our Youth Sunday School class meets on the third floor at 9:30am.
5:30PM - 7:30PM
We meet for dinner in Harris Hall then move on the third floor of our facility. Come ready to have a good time!
We meet for dinner in Harris Hall then move on the third floor of our facility. Come ready to have a good time!
Small Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
After our regular Wednesday Night programming, our students break out with small groups and discuss the lesson we just heard. They are partnered with their peers and a small group leader out of our young adult population. We believe that the essential piece of our student ministry is our small groups. Here, our students grow as individuals and together in their walk with Jesus.